Supplying to Government – Supplementary Cleaning Contracts Available
Event details
- Invitation by Teams
- June 23, 2020
- 2:00 pm to 3:30 pm
A new Prequalification Scheme has been established to support a growing demand for Supplementary Cleaning Services by Government Agencies and existing Contractors to prevent the spread of COVID – 19 infection in workplaces and public areas.
Workshop participants will be informed about the Schemes registration process and eligibility requirements whilst gaining a greater insight into Government procurement.
Our workshop facilitator, Deb Barwick is an Award Winning Business Owner and Experienced Procurement Specialist Advisor with the NSW Governments Business Connect Program who will advise participants on the art of articulating quality responses to procurement opportunities and how to submit a successful tender.
Participants will be encouraged to utilise the information and insight they gain to submit an application to the Prequalification scheme and to explore diverse opportunities to supply their services.
Supplying to Government – Supplementary Cleaning Contracts Available
Invitation by Teams
2:00 pm to 3:30 pm
June 23, 2020
Procurement Specialist
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